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Native Instruments Session Strings Pro 2 V1.0 Crack FREE Download

Native Instruments Session Strings Pro 2 v1.0 Free Download

If you are looking for a realistic and expressive string ensemble sound for your music production, you might be interested in Native Instruments Session Strings Pro 2 v1.0. This is a high-quality sample library that offers a mid-sized contemporary ensemble of 22 players, with a wide range of articulations and play assistance features. In this article, we will review the main features of Session Strings Pro 2, and show you how to get it for free.

What is Session Strings Pro 2?

Session Strings Pro 2 is a sample library for Kontakt and Kontakt Player, developed by Native Instruments in collaboration with e-instruments. It is an updated and improved version of Session Strings Pro, which was released in 2011. Session Strings Pro 2 aims to provide a detailed and intimate sound of a modern string ensemble, suitable for pop, R&B, dance, and cinematic genres.

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Session Strings Pro 2 features eight violins, six violas, four celli, and four double basses, recorded in a dry studio environment with close and wide microphone positions. You can use the existing instrument configuration or create your own custom ensemble of up to 22 players. You can also choose between traditional or modern seating positions to adjust the stereo positioning of sections.

What are the main features of Session Strings Pro 2?

Session Strings Pro 2 offers a lot of features to help you create realistic and expressive string arrangements. Here are some of the highlights:

  • 26 articulations: Session Strings Pro 2 offers a variety of playing styles, including legato, portamento, glissando, staccato, spiccato, pizzicato, tremolo, trills, scoops, falls, and more. Each note has its own correct transition, and you can control the amount of bow noise and vibrato.

  • Smart Voice Split: This feature ensures natural chord voicing by automatically allocating notes to the correct instrument group. For example, if you play a C major chord on your keyboard, the violins will play the root and third, the violas will play the fifth, and the celli and basses will play the octave.

  • Smart Chord: This feature allows you to generate fully orchestrated ensemble chords from single keys. You can choose from different chord types and inversions, and customize the voicing and spread of each section.

  • Rhythm Animator: This feature adds motion to chords by creating rhythmic patterns based on an arpeggiator. You can assign different articulations, chords, and notes to each step, and adjust the speed, swing, and groove of the animation.

  • Phrase Animator: This feature allows you to create unique arrangements with customizable patterns and phrases. You can select from a library of presets or create your own phrases using a step sequencer. You can also control the dynamics, expression, and variation of each phrase.

  • Mix Page: This feature allows you to fine-tune your sound with a full-featured mix page that includes tuning, panning, and effect options per section group. You can also add color to your mix with insert and send effects, such as dynamics, EQ, delay, and convolution reverb.

How to get Session Strings Pro 2 for free?

Session Strings Pro 2 is normally priced at $299 USD, but you can get it for free if you follow these steps:

  • Download and install Kontakt Player from [Native Instruments website]. This is a free application that allows you to use Session Strings Pro 2 and other Kontakt libraries.

  • Download Session Strings Pro 2 v1.0 from [this link](#graphic_art("a link")). This is a cracked version of the sample library that bypasses the activation process.

  • Extract the downloaded file to your desired location on your computer.

  • Open Kontakt Player and click on the "Add Library" button. Browse to the folder where you extracted Session Strings Pro 2 and select it.

  • Enjoy your free Session Strings Pro 2 v1.0!

Note: This is an illegal and unethical way of obtaining Session Strings Pro 2. We do not condone or support piracy in any way. This article is for educational purposes only. If you like Session Strings Pro 2 and want to use it legally, please purchase it from [Native Instruments website].


Session Strings Pro 2 is a great sample library for creating realistic and expressive string arrangements for your music production. It offers a lot of features and options to customize your sound and performance. However, it is also a pricey product that requires a lot of disk space and CPU power. If you want to try it for free, you can follow the steps above, but be aware of the risks and consequences of piracy. We hope you found this article helpful and informative.

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